This bunny is cute as can be and makes a great Easter ornament! I had so much fun making the Santa Buddies ornament and Ginger Buddies ornament, you know I’d have to give Bunny Buddies a try!
I chose Bunny Buddies 10 since the bow tie provides a well-defined southern border. That makes for easier editing and an ornament with clean edges.
Start by opening the design in design editing software. I used Embrilliance Enthusiast and eliminated everything below the blue bow. Play close attention to any colors that are below the bow that might repeat above the bow and stitch out together such as the two red noses in the design. Only delete what you don't need. Save the file with a new name (to preserve your original file) and load it on your embroidery machine.
I hooped a piece of wool felt and basted it onto a cutaway stabilizer. The tricky part is to determine where the bottom edge of the Rainbow Pineapple GlitterFlex. I stitched the whiskers and outline of the teeth to see how far down I should trim. With a heavy embroidery area (the bow) at the bottom edge, any extra GlitterFlex will be stitched over.
After placing the GlitterFlex, I tacked it down and stitched the teeth outline again without cheeks and whiskers. Trim to the stitch line and curve the lower GlitterFlex up to the end of tack-down stitches on both sides. Fuse in place.
Continue embroidery. When finished, remove basting stitches and carefully trim away stabilizer close to the embroidery. Place another piece of wool felt behind the embroidery and trim through both layers around the outer edges of embroidery, leaving a slight border of wool felt.
Place a hanging ribbon or cord between the ears and glue the embroidered piece to the felt back. It will flatten nicely if you add a weighted object on top.
When it is dry, you have an adorable sparkly ornament you can use to decorate a seasonal tree, as a place setting for your Easter celebration, or as a gift tag.
Debbie Henry
Sew Inspired by Bonnie