Color Theory: Why Some Colors Look Great Together

Realize it or not, color theory plays a big part in creating beautiful quilting and machine embroidery projects. Have you ever looked at a color combination and thought, “I would never put those colors together, but they look fabulous?” Think about a purple hot rod with orange flames. There is an actual science behind it!

The Color Wheel

How you select your colors greatly impacts the final project. That goes for both quilts and embroidery.

Color Theory with

For brights, of course, primary colors red, blue, and yellow standout.

Color Theory with

Secondary colors are combinations of two adjacent primary colors: blue + red = purple, yellow + blue = green and yellow + red = orange.

Color Theory with

The third grouping is tertiary colors, which combine the primary and secondary, as in blue-green, yellow-orange.

Color Combinations That Work

This is where it really gets interesting. Colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel are called complementary. Although they are on opposite sides, they complement each other. That is why shades of blue and yellow or gold go so well together.

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And others, like green and purple or tertiary red-violet and yellow-green get along so well.

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Color Theory with

Adjacent colors on the color wheel are called analogous. These sets of three colors are adjacent to each other. They typically consist of a primary or secondary color and a bordering shade, like blues and purples 

Photo from Etsy

Photo from Etsy

or blue violets and red violets.

Analogous colors can be thought of as a group of colors that blend, side-by side around the color wheel, like reds, oranges, and yellows

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or shades of blues and greens.

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Take these ideas and use them when combining your fabric and thread colors. It will make your projects pop!

Debbie Henry
Sew Inspired by Bonnie

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