A Simple Tip to Increase Your Embroidery Success!

Machine embroidery tips at Sew Inspired by Bonnie
Farm Buddies

Some of the best advice for machine embroiderers doesn’t involve buying a miracle tool, but utilizing a simple but effective virtue. It is easy to give advice after the fact but this is probably the most valuable tip that I have learned. If you do the same, it will make the success rate of your machine embroidery projects the envy of many.

Patience. It can make even the most challenging of projects manageable. A full meltdown will eventually happen to us all, but patience is practiced, not provided.

Recently, I was working on an applique design that was giving me fits. First, I had a bird’s nest under the hoop. Usually, that means that there is a problem with the upper threading.

I rethreaded the machine and started over. The same thing happened. So, I rethreaded and cleaned out the bobbin area. No improvement.

Next, I changed the needle. Then the thread was shredding. I went to a larger needle and my machine stitched beautifully. That is, until I realized I was stitching with the wrong color.

Not so long ago, I would likely have used an expletive or two, wadded up the embroidery, and tossed everything into a corner. I may have thrown it out entirely or eventually started over, probably at a much later date. That is not only frustrating, it is a waste of time and materials.

Instead of pitching the project, I tore out the stitching and started again. The applique turned out just fine and nobody would ever know the problems it had given me.

Sometimes, it’s best to just walk away from a project that is not cooperating. At any rate, just relax, do whatever it takes. Pour a drink, take a bath, go to bed. Then, start over. This is supposed to be fun, right?

What is your best tip for more successful embroidery?

Debbie Henry
Sew Inspired by Bonnie

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  • Bonnie Welsh - June 26, 2023

    Jean—Jean—I remove them from the back. You can use a product such as Peggy’s Stitch Eraser to get things started and a super sharp set of tweezers really helps to lift out the stitches once loosened. You may want to check out this blog post:
    “Do Stitch Erasers Really Work?” https://sewinspiredbybonnie.com/blogs/bonnies-blog/do-stitch-erasers-really-work?pos=1&_sid=c4bf336c3&ss=r

  • Bonnie Welsh - June 26, 2023

    Ruth—I couldn’t agree more. Relax and enjoy the process. Take your time (many times when I do, things just go better and wind up taking less time). Put on some calming music if it helps. =)

  • Jean McCalla - June 26, 2023

    How do you take out stitches and start over

  • Ruth - June 26, 2023

    Relax. Plan Good. Double check your stabilizer. Line up your threads in the order you will use them. Take a deep breath. Push the button and relax relax relax

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