Comparing Embroidery Machine Options

Embroidery Machine Options with

Buying an embroidery machine is a big deal. Here are some tips to help you choose wisely!


It really doesn’t matter what brand you buy if you don’t have a dealer close by for training, cleaning, and servicing. Do they have a technician on site or do you have to send your machine away? Unless you have more than one machine and can afford to be without one for several months, this can be a big problem.

Single-Needle vs. Multi-Needle

For business use, you may want to invest in a multi-needle machine. If not, there are plenty of professionals using high-end single-needle machines. Still, if you need to get into tight places, hate changing thread colors and do multiples of the same design, multi-needle machines have the edge.

Sew, Embroider or Both?

Do you want a machine that can do it all? If so, you will want a combination sewing/embroidery machine. If you already have a separate sewing machine, you may opt for strictly embroidery. That can save money in the long run.


Most machines have built-in designs and fonts but you want to be able to download and stitch designs like Bonnie’s too. You may be able to use WiFi or plug in directly to your computer or USB.

Stitching Sensors

Some brands have specialized sensor systems that automatically adjust tension according to threads and fabrics used. That can take some of the guess work out of stitching with specialty threads and fabrics from organza to quilting layers.

Automatic Needle Threading

Most machines have a manual threader but if threading your needle is a challenge, opt for a machine with an automatic needle threader.

Hoop Sizes

How many hoops come with your machine? Every machine has a maximum hoop size and that will dictate the types of projects and designs that you will be able to stitch. This is one place where bigger is better.


Screen sizes vary according to models. You can find everything from phone-sized screens to those that rival an Ipad.


There are literally hundreds of accessories on the market. If embellishing or specialty sewing and embroidery is important to you, make sure that the necessary accessories are available for your machine.

Design Positioning

A design positioning feature is helpful when multi-hooping, lining up borders, or connecting the start and finish stitches in quilting designs. It allows you to designate a starting point and move the needle there.


This is on my wish list! Embroidery machines with built-in cameras allow you to scan your hoop and stitch inside specific areas, perfect for quilting. Cameras also make design positioning so much easier. Some machines have apps allowing you to use your smart phone for precise positioning.

What machine option or options are most valuable to you?

Debbie Henry
Sew Inspired by Bonnie

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  • Sue Risius - February 15, 2024

    Right now I am drooling over one with a camera. Can’t justify right now, but doing my research.

  • Debbie Henry - October 20, 2022

    Thank you for reading, Judy!

  • Judy G - October 18, 2022

    Great article!

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