Adjusting Text in Embrilliance

Santa Buddies by Sew Inspired by Bonnie

If you liked last week's Santa Buddies Countdown to Christmas project, I'll share some tips on how I adjusted the text.

BX Fonts

One of the benefits of Embrilliance Essentials and other embroidery editing software programs is that you can add beautiful fonts to your embroidery designs. Embrilliance works quite well with BX fonts, meaning fonts that you can type as text from your keyboard rather than importing and placing each individual letter. Sometimes, especially with script and cursive fonts, you need to make spacing adjustments between the letters.

Script fonts are spaced a bit differently in that each font has a connector. Normally, as BX fonts are typed, the letters are spaced automatically. Because of the way these ornamental letters are created, they don't always lineup perfectly.

Adjusting Fonts

Embrilliance has a space adjustment bar that will move each letter of a word block together or apart, all the same distances. Even that may need some work. Doing that, above, shows that some letters are too crowded while others are still too far apart.

Only text in working files (extension .be) can be individually adjusted.

I usually move the text block to a grid line to be sure the letters are level, and move the text block back when each letter is in place.

Each letter can be selected and dragged to connect it to the one beside it. 

When the letter spacing is satisfactory, align the text block with the design and save it as both a stitching (your machine's format) and working file (.be format). 


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  • Bonnie Welsh - March 08, 2024

    Sherry—Some steps may depend upon the way the design was originally digitized. You might, however, find this video from Lisa Shaw helpful:

  • sherry - March 08, 2024

    I have a design of the word TEACH, Im needing to stitch out one letter at a time instead of all letters at once. Meaning I need to have each letter a different color with five different needles. how do i set that up?

  • Bonnie Welsh - January 23, 2024

    Patricia—It can be done very easily in Embrilliance (along with several other software out there). Here’s a link to YouTube where Lisa Shaw explains it with a simple two-line text but the same steps applies to a whole paragraph:

  • patricia L spencer - January 23, 2024

    how and where do i imput word messages to be embrodered on my baby lock , using the embrilliance software ?

  • Bonnie Welsh - October 05, 2023

    Jane—I’d use the Bernina software to do this. You can move text closer together within Bernina. You can also use the “break apart” feature to tweak individual letters. I think you’ll get better results sticking with the software you created the text in in the first place. =)

  • Jane - October 05, 2023

    I transferred a true text script sentence to my essentials program. I would like the words to be closer. Can I do that since 1. They are’nt bc fonts and 2 it s a true text font digitized by another software (designer plus V5 Bernina). I saved it on the thumb drive as a .pes.

  • Debbie Henry - December 06, 2021

    Milena, When you add lettering using the Create Letters tab, you can choose the type and size of any BX fonts installed in Embrilliance. You can also grab the box handles around the text and resize it that way but you will get best results by not changing size more than 20% and using the correct size font.

  • Milena - December 06, 2021

    Can you let us know how to adjust the size of the letters down to fit your hoop size?

  • Bonnie Welsh - August 07, 2021

    Hi J Cardona—Without knowing exactly what steps you took, it’s hard to troubleshoot. However, my friend, Lisa Shaw, who does a lot of training on Essentials has done a great video that you might find helpful about removing hidden stitches here: You’ll need to copy and paste the link.

  • J Cardona - August 07, 2021

    Thanks for your lessons, cut you explain this, I tried to remove overlapping on a text name but the Essentials program wont do it, why? I did all the steps to remove hidden stitches but does not work for me, must be doing something wrong ??

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