Machine Embroidery Resolutions

The first of the year brings resolutions for better health, a kinder heart, and sometimes even accomplishing a task or learning something new. What are yours?

There are so many things I need to do when it comes to my machine embroidery passion. Here are a few that I resolve to do in 2023.

Organize my Sewing Room

Over the last couple of years, my sewing room has become an embarrassing mess. I plan to give it a deep clean and get it organized.

It is extremely frustrating and, frankly, a big waste of time to have to hunt for everything that I need. Because it becomes a dumping ground, there are a lot of things taking up room that don’t even belong there. I find that a good purge is always productive.

If you are of like mind and need to organize your sewing and embroidery area, here are some blogs that provide great organizing tips.

Organize my Machine Embroidery Designs

Organizing your machine embroidery designs is a full-time job and should, ideally, be done as you purchase and download them. Although I have many of my designs backed up in two places, there are many others that need to be properly cataloged and backed up.

The time spent looking for designs, thread, fabric, and such could be better spent actually sewing or embroidering, right? Click on the links below for tips on cataloging and organizing embroidery designs.

Organizing/Cataloging Machine Embroidery Designs

Trying Something New

I have always wanted to try quilting edge to edge and plan to actually accomplish it this year. I already have a magnetic Snap Hoop Monster, so I just need to get some designs and give it a try!

Bonnie has several great blogs and video on quilting with magnetic hoops.

What are your machine embroidery resolutions?

Debbie Henry
Sew Inspired by Bonnie

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  • Debbie Henry - January 08, 2023

    Wow, Augie, I’d say you are pretty darned organized now! If it works for you, keep doing it!

  • Augie Williams - January 05, 2023

    I will be better organized!! (with my purchased designs)

    Make a file named 2023

    Make a file labeled with the each name of the designer whom I purchased from. I do this as I purchase and just keep adding thru the year, that designer only. Each designer have separate file. As you purchase them save all the zip files together in the designers file, I call it “Zips ATG” example for AnnTheGran.

    I use notepad to make a list of the designs I purchase label for example My"designersname"Library and that is the easy way to check if you already purchased the design. Leave each notepad in the same designers file. Most designers have the page where you download your purchase and I copy and paste to save time to keep track. Add as purchased everytime.

    Each have separate file. Another fast check to see if I already purchase by looking at the picture that is copied from website and I have a file labeled “Z CC” To keep them in. Again, in the same designer file.

    I know some have every design categorized for each separate way of doing things, ITH, FSL, app, Holidays, Animals, etc. I’ve been embroidery sewing for 20+ years, and the easiest way for me to remember where I got that design is keeping track like this. This might seem like a lot of work, but it is getting easier to keep track of what I have to find it when I need it. I noticed some designers kind of specialize in a certain way they make their designs, That also helps to remember where that design came from and where it is. For example, some specialize in zip bags, some in mini notebooks, some in jewelry, etc.
    After all these years you can’t imagine how may designs I’ve purchased and collected. Don’t forget the freebies too, go under who ever designer gave them like during the hops, and holidays, or whenever.

  • Bonnie Welsh - January 03, 2023

    Kaye—You’re most welcome. Try not to do it all at once. Try small bursts of 15-30 minutes and set a timer. Your brain needs to rest too! =)

  • Kaye Fullerton - January 03, 2023

    Thank you for these ideas. Please keep them coming

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